Update: September 11th, 2024
This Website is intended to be a reference to up coming classes by Rebecca Shafer. Leslie and Charlie have passed on, however I am pleased to continue my parents legacy of sharing the wonderful world of Bridge! My parents had over 60 years experience together, and shared with me all of their knowledge and wisdom. I have benefitted greatly from their experience, and have also many tutors and mentors to draw from, now that they have passed.
Please bear with me as I work with my webmistress to redesign my web page to reflect more about me.
Introducing: Intermediate Supervised Play on Wednesdays at 1 PM – 3 PM.
This is an unsanctioned duplicate game intended to introduce students to the Duplicate Games style. It is a class, in a game format.
There will be a round table discussion on the boards for 1 hour after the game. Students can compare their results with other players and me for a discussion on the best way to approach bidding, defense, and play of the boards/hands.
I will be Directing, and providing gentle guidance to players during play. Tutorials on Duplicate play will be provided 30 minutes before game time for players new to Duplicate Bridge.
Where: The PUMC* Site. 9908 S. Glen Rd, Potomac, MD
When: Wednesday 1 PM – 3 PM, with an optional discussion from 3:15 PM – 4:15 PM.
8 Weeks, Starting Jan. 15th, Ends Feb. 19th.
Cost: $20 per game. No notice required.
Prerequisites: You must have completed Beginner Bridge 2 in order to play. You do not have to take classes from me to participate. (Players must know concepts like, Weak 2’s, strong 2 Clubs, and Take out doubles, along with base concepts like how to open 1NT, 5 card majors, 3 card minors, and their responses.)
In loving Memory of my Mother, who’s tradition of excellence I am proud to continue:
Leslie Shafer Wins the 2016 BRIDGE TEACHER OF THE YEAR Award!!
July 19, 2016 at the
American Bridge Teachers’ Association Convention in DC!
I was so pleased to have been chosen for this honor. It has truly been one of the greatest privileges I have had in life, to teach others about the wonderful game of bridge. A big THANK YOU to all of you who helped to make this happen. Your encouragement of my efforts is very much appreciated!
Here’s a link to download the ACBL article about this award!

Leslie Shafer, ABTA 2016 Bridge Teacher of the Year!
This site is a clearinghouse of information on classes being run by Rebecca Shafer, in loving memory of her parents legacy, Leslie Shafer and Charlie Williams. If you have any questions that you don’t see addressed on this website, please let me know. You can email me at Rebecca.Shafer@bridgeteacher.com
“The best years of my life started when I began to teach bridge full time, about 25 years ago, meeting all of you and making so many new friends. What a blessing it is to be able to love your job. Not only is bridge a wonderful sport, but we have found that for many students, it has enriched their own personal social contacts. Our mission statement is to spread the love of bridge to everyone. Thanks for your time.” — Leslie
What’s here? On this site, you will find a list of both current and upcoming classes. You will also find my classroom policies, humor, the best internet bridge sites and so much more. I hope you enjoy what I have included here in the website for you.